It’s that time of my life where everyone, I mean EVERYONE, I know is getting married. Which also means everyone is having bachelorette parties (Including me! Check out my ATX guide if you haven’t yet… And our Costa Rica bachelorette guide while you’re at it!) We are the generation that treasures EXPERIENCES over things. While it might be expensive, it’s absolutely worth saving our paychecks for the Instagram-worthy weekend trips. One of my besties, Bailey, decided to have her bachelorette in beautiful NAPA VALLEY, and I couldn’t have been more excited! It was my very first time in wine country, and boy, did we wine.
After dozens of you asked where we stayed, how we found our private chef, what wineries we visited, etc. I finally am ready to give you: THE ULTIMATE NAPA VALLEY BACHELORETTE GUIDE!
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Thank goodness for Vrbo! This house was STUN-NING, there was plenty of room for the 9 of us to spread out, and it was a short Uber drive to downtown! Here is the link to the house with tons of pictures and details!

Side note: since this bachelorette was in December, we had to plan and dress for the cold(ish) weather! After all of these bachelorette adventures I’ve had in just the last year alone, I have prettyyy good relationships with a few of the major bachelorette companies now, some of my favorites: Bachette and Shop Stag and Hen. When I asked about their new goodies, specifically ones for winter / colder weather, I immediately fell in love with these matching “Bride” and “Babe” beanie sets! Matching without being too over the top (unlike our matching bride head swimsuits!) We could wear these in public without making TOO big of a scene, which was nice since Napa is a tad bit classier than some other bachelorette destinations. We had a blast. The bride loved her beanie and everyone looked ah-maze.

One of the questions I probably received the most when I shared all of our fun on Instagram: where did we find the private chef?? Yes ladies- we had a private chef come to our house and cook us a 12 course meal, all while we wore matching silk pj’s and drank wine. It was pretty dang glorious. And delicious. The chef we used: Christian Graze with Culinary Mercenary! I would recommend them a MILLION times over!! The food was amazing, our chef was SO open to our palette and could accommodate for any food allergies, preferences, etc. We went out the other night but our dinner in was by far our favorite! He even taught us the proper way to cut open a pomegranate- WHO KNEW?!
Our superstar maid of honor was 100% on top of everything and had our itinerary perfectly mapped out, along with a party bus to take us from winery to winery. Here’s the rundown of where exactly we went:
Everyone flew into San Francisco (some girls flew in Thursday night and stayed at the Palace Hotel) and we all met up first thing Friday morning to take the party bus to our first stop:

This was the perfect first stop to totally set the mood for our trip. This winery exudes “old world charm” and is named after race car driver, Mario Andretti! Wine for breakfast? Yes, please!

Specializing in sparkling wine, we were “tickled” to try all of this bubbly! You have to try: Reserve Pinot Noir Rose- voted “Best in Class” at The Champagne and Sparkling Wine World Championships!
Such a cute estate! This is family-owned and operated and we absolutely ADORED the tour!

See above (“What We Ate”)! There’s nothing like putting on your pj’s and enjoying some home cooked food after drinking wine all day!!

One of the bridesmaids works in the wine industry and had a hookup at Wente Vineyard, so off we went! It’s a bit of a drive from where we stayed, but add a party limo + champagne + some good tunes = the drive goes by MUCH faster! This tour was extraordinary and the wine was incredible.
The plan was to go out after dinner, but we couldn’t wait to get our pj’s back on (this is 30 lol…) and shower Bailey in all of her lingerie gifts! I SO recommend having a lingerie shower for your bride! Or if she is on the more conservative/shy side, a swimsuit shower for the honeymoon would be so fun too!!
There you go! I will always cherish my first weekend trip to Napa… and it definitely won’t be my last. Hope you enjoyed this Napa Valley Bachelorette Guide and let me know if you decide to go!!